The Steps of Installing RTM3.5 on premise version

  1. Install “ifactory-Tenant-windows”
  2. Install “ifactory-RTM-windows”
  3. Install “dashboard-window”
  4. Install “insight-report-windows”
  5. Install “ifp-agent-windows”
  6. Install “ifactory-ImportExportService-windows-setup”
  7. Install “license-agent-window”
  8. Install “SSO-windows”
  9. Install “imobile-services-windows”
  10. Install “EventCenter-windows”
  11. Install “MasterData-windows”
  12. Install “EUI-windows”
  13. Install “ifactory-IndustrialAI-windows”
  14. Install “Insight-windows”
  15. Install “event-flow-windows”
  16. Install “equip-keeper-windows”
  17. Install “iWarehous-windows”
  18. Install “EHS-windows”
  19. Install “AppHub-Edge”
  20. Install “iot-edge-windows”

Nice installation FAQ